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My Big 5
for life

Stefan Grob Sukhnam Singh Yoga Teacher
My "Big 5 for Life"

Do you know the book "The Big Five  for Life "by John Strelecky? This book is about what really matters in life. What are the five things you want to have done before you are dead? So that you can become a success in your life? How about If you could go to work every day with a smile? If your job would fulfill you completely? Being happy - a utopian notion? This is what the "Big Five" is about.

How can our personal goals in life be reconciled with our work? This book should be read by all leaders. It also moved me and led me to formulate my "Big Five for Life" and to align my work and my life accordingly.

My "Purpose of Existing"
My "Big Five"
  • To help people realize their potential.

  • No. 1: To go on the Camino de Santiago.

  • No. 2: Go to an ashram in India and climb the Himalayas.

  • No. 3: Maintain physical, mental and spiritual health on a daily basis and integrate it into your work.

  • No. 4: Learn a musical instrument.

  • No. 5: Write a book.

If you or someone you know can help me meet my Big Five, please contact me and let me know.

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